Diet Delites

Thursday, August 30, 2018

A Quarter Century and Counting

Again, I was reminded that I have this blog. My last post over two years ago reiterated that I am still dieting and still haven't managed to lose the weight I want to lose. Well, guess what? I have now been at it for a quarter of a century - 25 years - and I still have not managed to lose 25 pounds.

You'd think it would be easy losing a pound a year. After all,  if I had had that goal, I would be 25 pounds lighter today. But I didn't think of that 25 years ago. This might be a lesson for those struggling with weight loss. Don't set your goals so high. One pound a month, one pound a year is a lot easier than one pound a week. Unfortunately, time is not on my side anymore. I don't have 25 years to lose 25 pounds, so I'm simply going to give up on losing weight and just try not to gain any.

That's a tough call when you love food as much as I do. It's also tough after you reach a certain age (which I reached more than a few years ago). Metabolism slows considerably. Energy levels begin to drop. Looking beautiful (or handsome) isn't as important as it used to be. Not that anyone should let themselves go. It's just that there are more important things in life than looking good.

And let's not forget happy hours. It's not the alcohol that's the problem; it's the foods that are necessarily loaded with calories because most are quick-served which usually means fried and/or high in carbs. Think burgers, french fries, fish and chips, pasta. Somehow a hummus plate doesn't have the same appeal. A glass of wine or a martini doesn't do near the damage to ones diet as happy hour food. But give up happy hours? Not on your life.

Rather, I am trying to eat healthy on days that I don't go to happy hour. Having one of the best farmer's markets almost in your back yard makes it relatively easy in the summer and on into early fall. Many days breakfast, lunch and dinner consist of nothing but fresh veggies. I'm OD-ing on tomatoes. The cosmonaut tomato is one of the best I've ever eaten. I can only find it at one produce stand, but it always makes my trip to the market on Wednesday and Saturday worthwhile. Zucchini sliced on the diagonal and cooked in a grill pan with some olive oil, balsamic glaze and Trader Joe's 21 Seasoning Salute does justice to this humble fruit. (Yes, technically tomatoes and zucchinis are fruits.) Melons, peaches, berries and so much more in such bounty is hard to say "no" to.

So I will no doubt forget about this blog again until I am reminded in two years, more or less, that it's still hanging around. I'm hoping that I can check back then at the same weight I am today. I would consider that a success.

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