Diet Delites

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Feel Taller and Thinner

This is a temporary filler for my more traditional posts. I have had over two weeks of hell, and my posting has had to take a back seat to more profitable ventures.

Some time ago, I became aware of my posture. As one ages, everything starts to sag. Long hours at a desk lead to a more relaxed sitting position. Fatigue causes slouching. All in all, I noticed that I was hunching over more and more. On my morning walks, I also noticed myself walking with my head faced down to the sidewalk. This was true of many people I saw walking, young and old, creating a rather despondent appearance.

One day, I watched a lady in her 60's walking towards me. Even from a distance she seemed to be tall. As she came closer, I realized she was no taller than I and in addition appeared to weigh no less than I although she looked thinner. She walked almost with an air of superiority and yet offered a gracious "Good Morning" and an infectious smile as we passed each other.

The difference between us was in her posture. She walked with head held high, stomach pulled in and shoulders pushed back to where they should be, not slouched. I immediately altered my posture and lifted my head.

I felt 4 inches taller and 20 pounds slimmer.

Talk about a boost to ones self-confidence!! It took me about two weeks of constant re-adjustment to undo some really bad posture habits I had fallen into, but the results of these small changes are immeasurable. Not only do I feel better because there is less strain on my back, shoulders and almost all parts of my body, but I also look 100% better.

Although I certainly don't weigh any less, I am taller. Slouching can diminish ones height by at least 4 inches. Standing tall returns your true stature.

Try it and see if you don't feel and even act differently.

Chow for now.


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